Dragging around draggable categories intermittently drags the wrong category

codudeol avatarcodudeol 3 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Quite frequently (I would say 1 in 10 times) draggable categories get \"stuck\" where dragging them does nothing. Sometimes they will also get stuck where dragging them drags a different category in the same column. Repeatedly dragging the same category generally does not fix the issue. Neither does refreshing the page or coming back later. Usually the only fix I have found is to delete the category and make a new one.\n\nThis bug is super annoying. Especially since draggable categories is the main reason I use archidekt (moxfield can do everything else I need, but they don't support draggable categories). I really really like draggable categories because I like arranging my deck with lands, ramp, and draw on the left, and other stuff in the right columns. I really wish this bug could be fixed so they work reliably.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Unfortunately, since the internal category order is only viewable in your browser there isn't mucht that can be done to debug anything on our end. In these kinds of situtions the easiest solution in my experience is to use the draggable cateogy stacking tools to reset the layout to default. Doing so will remove any internal categories that aren't actively on screen, and should fix any issues you're seeing.\n\nThe internal structure is where categories are can get complex, particularly if a deck has been around a while or has seen a bunch of edits. Since diagnosing the exact issue would need to be done on a per device basis, our response is usually to reset the layout to default (under the draggable category options on the right). From there, that will usually clean up any oddities. \n\nIf that still doesn't fix what you're seeing, let me know and we can dig a bit deeper. \n"}]}
codudeol avatarcodudeol 3 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Resetting the layout to default does seem to work, but this definitely happens a lot more than I think you are suggesting. It happens to every deck I have, and quite frequently (I often move categories and I find myself praying every time I move them that they won't get stuck).\n\nAfter testing your solution just now, it seems like it is happening to me 1 in 3 times I go to drag a category (not 1 in 10 as I previously stated) for full commander decks of 100 cards (less often for smaller decks, but I am rarely working with those). This makes the draggable categories feature very aggravating to use since I have to reset so much.\n"}]}