[Feature Request] Support arena/mtgo 'Sideboard' titles

BustaaNut avatarBustaaNut 2 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"This was mentioned on https://archidekt.com/forum/thread/7265\n\nHas there been any update on supporting this style of importing:\n```\nX cardname\n\nSideboard\nX cardname\n```\n\nP.S. for those looking for a work around, import the sideboard/maybeboard, ctrl a and move them, then import the maindeck\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I have looked into this, and I don't quite remember why but I remeber it being more of a difficult change than I was expecting it to be so I put it off. It's still something I'll want to do someday, but it isn't a priority right now.\n\nThis and a few other formatting options are in the back of my head though, so if/when I add other options, this one will be at the top of the list. There's a lot of different formats from a lot of different sources, and accomodating all of them will be a task.\n"}]}