Feature Request - Follow/Favorite/Bookmark deck

xylltch avatarxylltch 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"It would be nice to have the ability to follow/favorite/bookmark other user's (public) decks. I know the copy deck functionality currently exists, but that would not update as changes are made by the deck creator.\n\nObviously right now you can simply bookmark the URL; but a built-in solution would be helpful.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thanks so much for the suggestion! I'll make sure that this makes its way to our feature request list. I think if we were to do something like this it would be done in a user interaction update. \n\nJust to confirm, you'd like to be able to see a users deck when it updates, etc. But not actually be able to update it yourself? Almost like the copy feature, except it's a deck you cannot edit?\n\nAlso, not sure if you're aware but you can follow individual users and see their most recently updated decks, etc. I know that this isn't explicitly what you're looking for, but it might be useful if you're interested in other user's decks.\n\nThanks so much for your comment! \n"}]}
xylltch avatarxylltch 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Right, essentially just a way to \"follow\" specific decks for easier/quicker access. Sure, it's basically duplicating the bookmarking feature of whatever browser you're using (since you can just bookmark the deck URL), but I think there's value in having it integrated within the site. \n\nCoupled with whatever organization features are in the pipeline (tagging, folders, whatever) I think that could be a useful way to help people \"share\" their decks with others & leverage each other's creativity/experience.\n"}]}