'My Decks' link is Inconsistent.

JoeGrzzly avatarJoeGrzzly 25 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"I had the link to the My Decks button bookmarked, and used it regularly. I see that this page has now changed to a search that shows said user's decks, which is fine. The issue is that copying and pasting that link does not consistently return the correct results, decks from said user. It appears that thefilter does not get entered by the url. Just hoping that this feature can be coded to work correctly, and if not hopefully revert the My Decks link to how it worked before. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Could you give me an example link that isn't working correctly?\n\nI changed the way the URL is structured, so if you had something bookmarked, you may need to change the bookmarked URL.\n"}]}
JoeGrzzly avatarJoeGrzzly 21 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"https://archidekt.com/search/decks?ownerUsername=JoeGrzzly This is the link that the My Decks button links to, but when I bookmark it and try to directly use the link, it does not consistently funciton.\n"}]}