{"ops":[{"insert":"There seems to be a bug in the syntax search when using the OR search operator. When searching with, e.g.,\no:\"whenever you draw a card\" OR o:\"whenever you draw one or more cards\","},{"attributes":{"blockquote":true},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"the smart filter that should filter out non-paper-legal cards don't seem to be applied to the first half, showing arena cards that include \"whenever you draw a card\" in the oracle text.\n\nI imagine this could be fixed by wrapping the search in parentheses before tacking on the smart filters.\n"}]}
Edited 12/21/2024, 12:21:12 PM

{"ops":[{"insert":"Hmm, I remember fixing this by adding parens a few weeks ago. I'll double check next time I sit down to work. For now for more complex operations, disable smart filters. \n"}]}