{"ops":[{"insert":"Disclaimer: No idea how possible this would be/what work would be required to do it.\n\nIt would really cool if Lands could be sorted by cycle or colour. That is, group together all the pain lands, bicycle lands, surveil lands, etc. It's useful to be able to see at a glance which lands of a cycle I've already included and which I need to add. I usually end up using sites like managathering.com to double check how many lands in a cycle I've included.\n\nAlso, being able to sort lands by what colours they can produce would be amazing. Let me see how many selesnya vs boros landsvs gruul lands I have in my naya deck, for example. Then I can adjust easily based on the pip counter that Archidekt has.\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"I could add an order by identity option. Though I'm not sure hope useful the results would be. Since we already have a group by identity, it's a relatively easy lift. But the grouping might be a bit strange. Either way, I'll add that next time I sit down to work. \n\nOrdering by cycles would be very difficult to impossible. The data isn't exposed in scryfall's bulk data export, so I think that'd be too much manual work to be with doing. \n"}]}