More than one commander?

WindowsXPSP3 avatarWindowsXPSP3 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I have 3 commanders for a deck that i \"sideboard\" between, would be nice to be able to add alternative commanders to a deck.\n"}]}
Edited 3/30/2019, 11:47:24 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"You can do this already. There's no restrictions for what cards can be your commander, the only thing that would happen is the legality would say the deck is illegal. Just set a second commander and I think it should do what you're asking for. \n\nIf I'm missing what you're actually looking for please let me know that I'm misunderstanding what you're asking. \n\nThanks for the comment!\n"}]}
WindowsXPSP3 avatarWindowsXPSP3 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Ah well ok!\n\nWould be nice to have a group of cards called alternate commanders, and as such still have a legal 102 card deck.\n"}]}