{"ops":[{"insert":"When writing out win conditions in the description section, could there be a button to check that limits the \"Add card to comment\" field to only cards that are present above? This isnt a high priority item, just a quality of life improvement when trying to write out lines. Also, if one could copy and paste the linked cards within that field it would be a huge help as well.\n\n\n"}]}
Edited 8/1/2019, 1:41:30 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"Both of those I think would be very hard to do, but it's been a while since I've looked at that code. Realistically, I think the play is to just switch over to what most bots do and allow people to write out the card name as [[Sol Ring]] and have that be converted upon posting it. That would solve both of your QoL things I think. Updating the rich text editor is something we've wanted to do for a while now, it's just a matter of finding the time to do it. Glad to hear feedback on it though because it's definitely one of the things that needs the most love. Thanks for the comment!\n"}]}