Possible to update EDH card legality?

justishyde avatarjustishyde 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Now that unhinged, unstable, unglued are legal in commander (with exceptions) you should update what shows up as illegal in commander regarding that. This way, it would be easier to find them to add to the decks and it wouldn't show up any deck errors even though there really isn't. I love the website by the way.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"As far as I know, \"Un\" sets are still not officially legal in Commander. There was a brief period after the release of Unstable where an exception was made (until January 15, 2018), but silver bordered sets are not legal in any constructed format by default. \n\nThat being said, \"Un\" sets are awesome and I pass no judgment on those that want to use them in Commander! To get around the red borders, you can always create your deck as a \"Custom\" format instead of \"Commander/EDH\". This will also ensure cards from those sets appear in your search by default instead of needing to change the format in advanced search options. Hope this helps!\n"}]}