[Suggestion] Deck Search - Custom

{"ops":[{"insert":"[Solved]\n\nWhen searching for decks, I can't search for the [Custom] tag under formats. It's available during deck creation, but not during the advanced search function.\n\nI play a lot of casual, and casual decks tend to be jammed under [Custom], so I was curious if there was a reason why that couldn't be implemented?\n\n(Thanks for adding the search feature!)\n"}]}
Edited 4/23/2019, 5:51:21 PM
andy avatarandy 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Should be in on Monday. Thanks!\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Boop.\n\nI think my feedback got lost due to the way notifications work here. I edited my original thank you, though within 10 minutes, obviously not fast enough. You must have read it, and then I edited it. \n\n[Custom] Format Search Tag for decks still does not work.\n\nPlease check my original reply, thanks!\n"}]}
Edited 4/15/2019, 1:46:29 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"As a direct translation once told me: \"Multi-thank\".\n\nThat said I can see the Custom option in the search filter but it does not work properly (tried on both Search My Decks, and Search All Decks).\n\nWhen you add a format to the search filter it usually adds the tag to the input box. Custom does not add. It removes itself from the drop down as if it has been selected, but the tag is not added in any way. I tried searching anyway to see if it \"ghosted\" itself into the filter, but alas no good. \n\nWin 10 Pro | "},{"attributes":{"color":"#5f6368"},"insert":"Google Chrome Version 73.0.3683.103 (Official Build) (64-bit)"},{"insert":"\n\nAlso tried it on my Droid S7 with Chrome. Same result.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"We'll add this for you, not sure why it wasn't there in the first place\n"}]}