Mass Deck Edit | Mobile Formatting | Collections

{"ops":[{"insert":"First of all, I would like to say how much I love this application so far. I have been using it quite a bit since I saw the post on reddit. The biggest hiccups i have run into so far are when trying to use the mass deck editor or trying to make changes when on a mobile device. The mass deck editing feature works great, but there are a lot of function texts that I do not know for this app and do not see anywhere. Would it be possible to get a formatting key somewhere with how to type out categories for cards (like sideboard), sets etc. This would be really helpful when importing decks from other sources. \n\nAs far as mobile use is concerned, this app is not very user friendly. I am finding that it is basically the same regular site and I have issues with a lot of the UI. (buttons are too small, scaling issues, etc.) It would be really awesome if you guys were to develop a mobile site and or a phone app. I find that most of the time I have to \"brew\" is on my phone while waiting for dinner to cook or between rounds on modern night etc. \n\nFinally, I do not see a place in my account to import my personal collection of cards. This is a feature that a lot of other apps do not have and I would like to see here. This would be awesome for auto tagging cards in a deck as \"have\" if there are enough in my collection, or as don't have if I do not have the cards. I could then import a deck I want to try and know what cards I need immediately. Maybe even scale the pricing feature to the cards that I do not own to give me an Idea of what the deck would cost if I wanted to build it with what I already have. \n\nAgain, Thank you guys for making this amazing tool!! I hope to use and support Archidekt moving forward. \n"}]}