Are custom categories in random order or?

Lodurr avatarLodurr 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"In physical EDH deckbuilding I have certain categories of cards that I put in the same order every time. Here on Archidekt at first it seemed like the custom categories would order themselves by which categories were populated first. However after trying this method, all of a sudden one of the categories changed order. So at this point I wanted to post and ask, is there any way to control the ordering of custom categories? So far I tried alphabetical, numerical, order of creation--it only seems to care about the order that you started putting cards in the category, but even then it might decide to change the category order based on some other criteria.\n"}]}
Jeremy avatarJeremy 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"It's an algorithm that attempts to minimize the height of the longest column. So the longest "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"should"},{"insert":" end up furthest to the left while the rest get packed in as efficiently as the algorithm can manage. The result of this is that it appears super random to users and even those that know what it's trying to do have very little control over it. Not ideal.\n\nIn the not too distant future, we plan to change it to sorting the categories numerically/alphabetically (either by default or as an option) so users have more direct control over how their pages look. Numbers would likely come before letters so that if you wanted to dictate the exact order of your categories, you could simply name them with a number in front sequentially. \n\nThere's nothing permanently decided on this yet so the final iteration could look totally different. Regardless, it's definitely something on our radar as requiring attention.\n"}]}
Athles avatarAthles 5 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"has this been implemented yet? \n"}]}