{"ops":[{"insert":"(well, except by editing the decklist as text)\n\nBut I would expect if I click the `-` button when I have one copy of a card, it would go to zero copies and be removed, but that doesn't seem to happen\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hey dev here, \n\nThanks for the post! This was an intentional design decision on our part. We found it irritating when we accidentally clicked that one too many times and had a card removed from the deck. In order to prevent this behavior we added a remove button on the left of the card. Hopefully this helps!\n\nOn the note of whether or not this should be the case, given my explanation would you agree or disagree with our reasoning to not allow that button to delete a card? Just looking for feedback on the application so we can make it better in the future.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thanks for the reply!\n\nAh, not sure how I missed that delete button - yes that does do what I want, and I can definitely understand the reasoning for not allowing `-` to delete a card. Maybe the delete button could go on the same edge of the card as the other controls? It might be more obvious / discoverable that way.\n"}]}