Sideboard disappearing from private EDH deck with illegal cards

{"ops":[{"insert":"Like topic says, I had a lot of sideboard cards for a deck I was making for Feather, only to discover that even after saving, reloading the page causes the sideboard to disappear. My other legal EDH decks don't have this problem, so I'm not sure if it's because it's a private deck or having illegal cards in it, but my sideboard cards are gone and I have no way of knowing which ones they were.\n"}]}
andy avatarandy 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"First off, we're extremely sorry that you lost your sideboard cards. Second, we've heard reports of a bug like this, but have yet been able to reproduce it. Could you let us know what browser you're using?\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I did some tests using both Firefox and Microsoft Edge and the error seems to happen in either browser. It's due to having an unreleased commander. I tried with both Feather, and Ilharg, the Raze-Boar. If I have either of them as commander, my sideboard disappears. However, if I use just an illegal commander, such as a planeswalker, even though it's illegal, I keep the sideboard.\n"}]}
Edited 4/13/2019, 1:39:08 AM