[Builder] Cheapest version selector
{"ops":[{"insert":"Ever wonder how come your deck ends up having a huge price well that's cause the default selected version of all the cards you choose are the latest version while historic versions more often than not are cheaper. With this feature/setting in correspondence with the deck setting that selects what kind of deck you're building (e.g. paper, MGTO, arena) selects the cheapest version across all reprints (including the original printing). In an ideal world it would also monitor which packs in arena give the highest chance for wild cards and take that into consideration as well. An example of the first part would be "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Morophon, the Boundless"}},{"insert":", its default selection is the judge gift card which is almost $60 at card kingdom and almost $100 at tcg player while earlier versions of it are ranging from ~$24 at card kingdom and ~$20 at tcg player. If you just wanted a card for your collections binder so you can legally use a proxy of it that's a difference of multiple proxy decks. I'm leaving the arena example (might put it in comments) out cause its kind of a proprietary system that may require an account link between here and arena to work.\n"}]}

(Archidekt Moderator)
3 years{"ops":[{"insert":"I've just dropped a thread for this into our Feature Voting subforum. It explains some of the limitations we're looking at, but please express your interest there if you'd like us to make it a priority in development!\n\n"},{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/forum/thread/2368454/1"},"insert":"https://archidekt.com/forum/thread/2368454/1"},{"insert":"\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"thank you for making a better defined version of my post in the appropriate subforum i originally intended this post to be posted there but im not familliar enough with forum posting to know how to address it to the specific subforum and I've always had issues with how to word stuff properly. so again tysm\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"btw the basic any tournament requirement for proxies to be legal is as long as you own the real deal aka its legit printed by WOTC version(s) and the proxy doesn't have any differentiating effect/naming wordage it's tournament legal just incase anyone reading this was wondering\n"}]}