[Search] Cheapest card version (Archived)

{"ops":[{"insert":"With this proposed feature, users will be able to choose from the search menu to be shown the cheapest version of any card they search for.\n\nThis feature has been suggested many, many times over the years. The primary reason that it hasn't been implemented by already is because of the way we store prices, as well as the the fact that we store prices from multiple vendors per individual printing of a card. To put it simply, it's a database headache. The headache alone would be worth it, we just need to be smart about how we fully implement it because if we do it incorrectly, the query could end up being very slow, noticeably slowing down searches. That said, we'll divert resources to tackling this issue if it's a priority for our users. \n\nIf this proposed feature is of interest to you, give the thread a thumbs-up and leave your thoughts below! User interest in each feature will help us prioritize in development.\n"}]}
Edited 7/11/2023, 2:03:24 PM
Nomiss72 avatarNomiss72 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Even tho some price might wildly vary from a day to another, I think most people aren't trying to get an exact price anyway but more so an estimate of how much it'll cost. In that sense, you could add some arbitrary rules regarding how you calculate your prices. for example, you could get the average selling price of a card over the last week/month for each plateform?\n\nAlso I'm not sure it's very important that this data is refreshed everyday, if it meant better performances for the website I'm positive people would be happy with refreshing this data once a week.\n"}]}
Juts avatarJuts 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I think even if all that was done was changing it to not default to secret lairs, foils, alternate treatments, and promos, it would go a long way to making it more useful. \n\nRight now it defaults to whatever is newest, which usually means secret lairs, full art lands, foils, etc. \n"}]}
snuu avatarsnuu 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I know this thread is a little old but I don't see this feature yet ( or I did not find it) so I would like to give a suggestion. Wouldn't be easier to have a drop down list or a option/ button that would be on the side of quick add and deck filter (or some other place) that the user can click (or in case of a list choose between highest or lowest price) and more "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"important choose the price source "},{"insert":"and then have the site search in the price source that the user choose "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"only"},{"insert":" for the specifics cards in the saved deck and then convert the entire deck to the price option (if adding highest or lowest option) that the user choose. \nThis way you guys don't have to change the search options or search for ALL magic cards while the user searches. Archidekt would only have to search one time for the card names that already are in the saved deck and only in one price source when the user confirm the conversion. I'm not a programmer but I think this way would not slow down the searches and would be a nice feature to have. : )\nSorry about the long post and english is not my first language.\n"}]}
Benji avatarBenji 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I have a whole deck of +150 cards for my Shrines mayboard alone so having the ability to automatically set to cheapest printing for one or more cards would be a blessing.\n"}]}
joeylrios avatarjoeylrios 23 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hopefully this would open the door to seeing the cheapest version of the deck that is available. Playgroups sometimes require \"budget\" decks and it's a hassle to figure out if my deck is \"budget\" because I have put in some foil versions of cards. The deck shows as $80, but without the foils, it may be like $45.\n"}]}
mjmt avatarmjmt 21 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"It might be nice to default to the version that's been the cheapest over the past week or something. My main problem with the current system is that, since oftentimes there are leaked printings of cards in the database that don't have any price info yet, those versions get thrown into decks which leads to misleading pricing.\n"}]}
Heelyhunter avatarHeelyhunter 23 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"In my \"Card Search Settings\" I turned off the \"Hide all but one edition\" and then always set the sorting of the search by price. I was surprised to see that you cannot change your default sorting for the card search in the settings. If you could do that than you can always just add the current cheapest card to your deck, that obviously would be only a solution for current prices and not price changes in the future but that would help speed up builder cheaper decks for now. In other words a suggestion for a account setting to change your default sorting in the search to sort by price to avoid having to do that every time you search for a card manually.\n"}]}
Edited 4/14/2023, 6:31:57 AM
frozenscv avatarfrozenscv 23 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"This in addition to a button to change all cards in a given deck to be set to be the cheapest variant of the individual card.\n"}]}
FrogzInDaTub avatarFrogzInDaTub 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"This would be very epic and I would use it every time I built a deck\n"}]}
DrBoefje avatarDrBoefje 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"This would be very nice! And I definitely agree with Nomiss72 that prices don't have to be refreshed once a day if that would cause trouble for the performance of the site. Once a week would already be great for an indiction of the costs and to filter out al the special editions Juts mentions.\n"}]}