{"ops":[{"insert":"Is there a way to edit a deck's art? Or is it randomize? I find that the ability to modify that will help me personalize each variant of the same-ish deck. for example, easily extinguishing between izzet phoenix and non-phoenix . I know that this feature is minor at best, but I really appreciate it if it can be added in the future (or maybe I'm just stupid and that features already existed ). Thank you again developer.\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"Check out the blue pop out menu for a card on a deck you want to set new art for 😉\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"Hey thanks for the feedback, \n\nLike you said it's something small we've talked about doing that just hasn't made it's way onto the short list of stuff to get done yet. \n\nI'm unable to check right now but iirc in non commander formats it grabs the highest cmc card, and if there are multiples it uses the first one it finds (pretty sure). \n\nI still like this idea though and we'll do it at some point, just not sure how soon. (Though now that you've mentioned it we'll may end up just bumping it up through the list 😉).\n\nThanks again for the suggestion!\nCheers, \nMichael\n"}]}