{"ops":[{"insert":"All videos appear to be broken. I've tried viewing from android Chrome and desktop Firefox.\n\nThanks\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Yep, still broken today. It's a shame - they were "},{"attributes":{"italic":true,"bold":true},"insert":"fantastic "},{"insert":"for getting friends to move to Archidekt. I'm teaching a few friends how to play Magic, and pointed them to Archidekt to write up their decklists to share with the world. The how-to videos were great at showing how the basic features of the site (e.g. searching, or creating a custom category) worked, and also removed the need for me to record similar videos! \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Unfortunately, whenever we implement a new feature, or update the visual layout of a preexisting one, most if not all of the how-to videos needed to be rerecorded for accuracy. They're something we love the idea of having, but the frequency with such updates are implemented proved too difficult to keep up with for our small team's limited time. It's something we've discussed reimplementing once we feel the site has gotten to a point that they won't need updating as frequently, but that's sort of a nebulous point that I don't believe we've reached just yet. \n\nNevertheless, I appreciate hearing that new users found them helpful. It's good to be reminded that this is something we need to get back to as soon as we can. Thank you for reaching out! \n"}]}