Bug - Selectec card's context menu in deck editor doesn't close as intended on Mobile.

{"ops":[{"insert":"[Solved]\n\nThis issue is only occurring to me on Mobile (Android S4 Mini - SANSYBG-SGH-I257 - Android Version 4.4.2) on an up to date Chrome browser.\n\nOn desktop when you are in the deck editor and have the context menu open for a specific card if you change the cards category (Maindeck, Sideboard, Maybeboard) it closes the context menu and moves the card to the proper section. From what I can tell this is the desired effect and is intuitive.\n\nOn my mobile when I do the same it's 50/50 to actually close the context menu. The card is actually moved in the background behind the context menu, but the menu stays open (is still usable) and doesn't update where the card actually goes. This was a bit confusing till I realized it was a bug, and confirmed the actions on the desktop side. \n\nI have not had access to any other mobile to see if it was my specific old phone or not. If it is just my old phone don't bother changing anything. My phone is quite old now and supporting it perhaps isn't required.\n\nCheers.\n"}]}
Edited 4/8/2019, 2:47:49 PM