{"ops":[{"insert":"With this proposed feature, categories within your decks would have a minimize icon somewhere in-line with their names. If clicked/tapped, the category would collapse into just the deck name line. The category could then be maximized again at any time. \n\nIf this proposed feature is of interest to you, give the thread a thumbs-up and leave your thoughts below! User interest in each feature will help us prioritize in development. \n"}]}
Edited 7/9/2024, 1:22:43 PM

{"ops":[{"insert":"This would be awesome, especially when dealing with large \"maybeboards\" that decrease performance. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Currently the Maybeboard takes up an entire column of screen space even if there's only 1 card in there, would definitely be nice to be able to hide it since it's usually not something that needs to be actively considered when viewing a decklist.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"This would help me a lot as stated on https://archidekt.com/forum/thread/3442177/1\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Oooh this would be great!\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"This would be really great for the Grid view, especially for EDH decks.\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"I came looking to see if anyone had suggested this already. At the moment, I find the \"multiple categories\" a bit clunky and all over the place, so being able to collapse or minimize specific categories would be soooo good, especially on brewing mode. \n"}]}