{"ops":[{"insert":"Wondering if you can play against other users in order to test newly made decks.\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"Unfortunately, this is a feature we are unable to offer because it could get us into all sorts of legal issues with WotC. We'd, in essence, be offering a competitor to Arena and MTGO, which they'd understandably not be too keen on. I apologize for the disappointing answer! \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"What is Archidekt's stance on talking about tabletop simulator, etc, on the forums? Will we get infractions and/or banned? I just figured I should be a bit cautious about opening a topic about it. (If you need me to I can delete this comment)\n\nBasically, I wanted to invite some people from the forums onto a discord server to discuss this, but didn't want to shoot myself in the foot, so to speak.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Ohhh totally makes sense. Thanks dude!\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"just discord the top part of your sceen while doing playtesting. \n\nI'm not gonna go into detail because I like this website and jeremy makes a very important point. \n"}]}
Edited 1/5/2023, 3:06:38 AM