TreeHugger14 avatarTreeHugger14 2 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"https://archidekt.com/decks/3451196#Unfortunately_for_U…\n\nThis is an ez 9-10 commander deck, "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Yusri, Fortune's Flame"}},{"insert":". The goal of the deck is to tutor out "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Krark's Thumb"}},{"insert":" to help trigger Yusri's ability, playing out several cards from your hand for free. There are several counterspell-type cards to protect your board & interrupt your opponents combo pieces, also some artifact recursion for when Krark's Thumb inevitably gets targeted/destroyed. The win-con for the deck is, trigger ability, "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Enter the Infinite"}},{"insert":" with "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Thassa's Oracle"}},{"insert":" or an "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Obliterate"}},{"insert":" after drawing all your cards for the turn, then dump your hand. Your opponents would prolly scoop after that ;). There are several support cards that would negate(lifelink) Yusri's damage to yourself, get extra combats/turns to attempt Yusri's ability again, and several mana rocks to get Yusri out as fast as possible.\n\nSome weakness's of the deck is: \n\n1. Deck is not great late game.\nThe longer the game goes on, the more cards your oppenents will see & time they'll have to formulate a plan against your deck. It's fairly ez to stop (hence the counterspells) if you know what to target (Exile krark's thumb/steal Yusri) & you'll eventually run out of reaction.\n\n2. The reliance on your commander\nLike I said before, there's not a lot this deck could do without your commander so it's important to keep him alive & protected!\n\n3. Luck based\nYou might win turn 4, you might punch yourself in the face for 20. It's a flip of the coin!\n\nI hope you enjoy this deck I made & it wins you lots of games!! (And I would LOVE to answer any questions you have!)\n"}]}