Bug Report: Screen goes completely whte
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi, today i noticed a bug that its kinda strange, when i create a new deck and try to insert any new card, the page crashes and only shows an empty document i guess, i mean, i lose all that i was doing and the page becomes full white, i dont have any dark mode activated.\nI tried to copy one of my decks with some cards in common and when i was done and started to add cards, just with the first one it crashes again and then i noticed i modified the wrong copy so i lost my progress in two \"deck slots\", i dont care of this last thing but i dont know what to do, i went into the site from my phone and the same occurs.\nHope its fixed soon, im in love with archidekt and appreciate so much the work behind it\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"For those of you using Cardmarket prices, this issue should be resolved (may have to refresh the page for the new changes to take effect). If anyone finds this issue persisting, please let me know.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"it appears to be a problem for commander decks (only?):\n\ncreate a new edh, duel commander of 1v1 commander decks: white screen after adding cards using text or search"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"change an existing deck from a non edh fromt to edh, duel or 1v1: white screen"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\njust posting this here to not start a second post.\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"Are you using Cardmarket pricing by any chance? If you are, I've found a bug and will be putting out a patch soon.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"i was using card market prices, changing my price settings at user profile allowed me to access the decks that went blank. they als didn't have a general when they were imported. once i added a general, it works regardless of price source. (on a slightly related note, total deck costs with card market as source appears to be the right numeric value but displays $ instead of €)\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I noticed this on trying to do a text import on a newly created commander deck, search based input also didn't work.\n\nWorkaround (as someone else pointed out): Use Search and specifically 'Set as Commander' to first set the commander, THEN import via text. \n\nSidenote: Also saw some errors regarding pricefetching in the javascript console - but I'm wagering that that's just because the deck doesn't actually get saved, so the API request falls flat.\n\nEDIT: Just a brainfart probably - but did you guys recently add a feature that pulls the 'average cost of deck for this commander' from EDHREC? Sounds like that would cause a botched API call for commander decks when there is no actual commander set. (Graceful failure would be preferable ofcourse :P)\n"}]}
Edited 2/11/2020, 10:08:47 AM
{"ops":[{"insert":"Works as intended for me now, hopefully it's the same for everyone else.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Removing a commander from a commander deck does the same. \nAll lead to \" TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'e.prices[r+o].toFixed') Ho - main.9e32a215.js:40641 \".\n"}]}
Edited 2/10/2020, 9:38:59 PM