{"ops":[{"insert":"\nHello brewers,"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nWelcome back! After a break in December, we’re excited for a new year of deckbuilding contests. This month, we’re going back to the “build weird, probably suboptimal stuff” well. Details below! \n\nWhat’s the contest all about?"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Working within the parameters of the prompt provided below, construct a decklist with your own creative spin. Three chosen finalists will be awarded store credit to "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://www.cardkingdom.com/"},"insert":"cardkingdom.com"},{"insert":". \n\n"},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"For January’s deckbuilding contest, construct a Commander-legal deck that showcases a theme or strategy that doesn’t normally appear in its colors. For instance, you might build RG stax or UB landfall. The more unusual, the better!"},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nHere’s how to participate:"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Brew an EDH/Commander legal deck on Archidekt that satisfies the prompt."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Any unreleased cards spoiled during the contest’s duration are allowed."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Silver-bordered and acorn cards, while cool, are not allowed. "},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Digital-only cards (such as those designed for the Alchemy format on Arena) are not allowed."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Strictly one deck submitted per user."},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nReply to either this newspost or the announcement tweet from the "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://twitter.com/archidekt"},"insert":"@archidekt"},{"insert":" account on Twitter with a link to your deck before 9:00pm ET (UTC -5, currently) on "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Friday, January 27"},{"insert":". Only one submission per user!\nFrom the eligible submissions, we'll select three finalists with lists that we believe best embody the spirit of the prompt. Additional characteristics by which your deck may be judged include playability and uniqueness (i.e. “spice”); budget has no direct bearing on your chances to win. Deck descriptions are not required but certainly may provide valuable context!\n\nOn "},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Saturday, January 28, 2022"},{"insert":", we'll tweet out a poll for the community to vote on its favorite of the three selected finalists' lists. Any finalists who submitted their lists on Archidekt will be notified via the email associated with their account. We’ll also publish a newspost on Archidekt announcing the finalists and linking to the poll on Twitter. Each finalist will be awarded store credit to cardkindom.com. The value of the credit is in US dollars and depends on the finalist's placement in the community poll at the end of its two day duration:\n1st Place Prize - $50"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"2nd Place Prize - $30"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"3rd Place Prize - $20"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Finalists will be contacted via Twitter or email (depending on where they submitted) regarding their winnings following the conclusion of the poll by Tuesday, January 31, 2023. Please note, you must have a Card Kingdom account in order to receive your winnings. It's quick and free-- "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://www.cardkingdom.com/register"},"insert":"register here"},{"insert":" if you don't have an account already!\n\nAn important note:"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"Unfortunately, due to wild variance in contest laws, eligibility is limited to residents of the United States and Canada (excluding Quebec). We’d love to allow all of our users to participate, but ensuring we are legally compliant with each country’s national laws is too great a barrier. For additional information regarding eligibility, check our "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/contestRules"},"insert":"official contest rules"},{"insert":". \n\nCongratulations to November’s winners! "},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"1st Place: "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/user/10631"},"insert":"xerogold"},{"insert":" - "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/decks/3011948#Abraham_Lincoln,_Vampire_Hunter"},"insert":"Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"2nd Place: "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/user/82891"},"insert":"daggerhart"},{"insert":" - "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/decks/3611345#Cloud_Atlas"},"insert":"Cloud Atlas"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"3rd Place: "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://www.archidekt.com/user/150055"},"insert":"MooGiGon"},{"insert":" - "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://www.archidekt.com/decks/3602661#The_Fold"},"insert":"The Fold"},{"attributes":{"list":"bullet"},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nThank you!"},{"attributes":{"header":2},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"If you have any other questions, feel free to ask here, reach out on Twitter, or join our public Discord server. We look forward to seeing what you all come up with! \n\nThe Archidekt Team"},{"attributes":{"header":3},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"https://archidekt.com/decks/3203704#Ranar_the_Ever-Watchful_-_SALTY_&_Infinite_Combos - I have built the saltiest deck for sure. Love hearing \"I hate that deck\" \n"}]}
Edited 1/26/2023, 7:27:25 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'm only a "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"little"},{"insert":" addicted to green, this deck actually goes insanely well and isn't nearly situational at all. Just full of a lot of counters, and it's a heck of a way to make your friends sob profusely (Mostly Joking)\nhttps://www.archidekt.com/decks/3340779#Might_Of_The_Green \n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"Those are some damn janky decklists - and mine is no different :3\n"},{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/decks/3885919#Mono-Green_Lifegain_-_Titania"},"insert":"Mono Green Lifegain - Titania"},{"insert":"\n\nGet lyfe = buff creatures + get draws = higher life total = "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Aetherflux Reservoir"}},{"insert":" = GG :3\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"https://archidekt.com/decks/3888329#Yusri_Beatdown\nIzzet voltron. Runs all of the Sword of X and Ys and looks to put them all on Yusri who will fly over all of the bad guys and beat them into a paste.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I think my old boros ETB/Flicker deck works here, using big ETBs and Panharmonicon effects to double up on the value offered by Duke Ulder Ravengard's myriad ability. Not a usual theme in boros!\nhttps://archidekt.com/decks/2968757#Myriad\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":" I offer a 5-color deck theme that usually finds its home in green: Landfall. The WURBG composition/ratio of this deck is actually pretty evenly balanced between land colors and the deck generally, not overtly green at all. \n\n"},{"attributes":{"link":"https://www.archidekt.com/decks/1018784#Sisay,_Land_Machine"},"insert":"https://www.archidekt.com/decks/1018784#Sisay,_Land_Machine"},{"insert":"\n\nI have more details on the deck page's description. In short, the deck highlights "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Sisay, Weatherlight Captain"}},{"insert":"'s ability to ramp up with legendary "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"lands. "},{"insert":"One of the challenges to overcome is opponents' aggressive assumption that you'll be cheating out big spells and/or Voltron. The 0-CMC cost for any land will allow wiggle room before you get targeted. Being able to companion-tutor Jegantha is a huge help to get Sisay into action.\n\n\n\n"}]}
Edited 1/26/2023, 8:30:33 PM

{"ops":[{"insert":"I decided to build Riku, but focusing solely on the Energy mechanic from Kaladesh: https://archidekt.com/decks/2784665#Riku_Snorts_Energy_w/_His_Friends\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"This is my Boros toughness matters deck, with Rasaad yn Bashir and Popular Entertainer as commanders. Even tough Boros is a very aggressive, it wouldn't mash well with an aggro toughness matters as it wants pumps power instead of toughness. Enters Rasaad, who by himself solves this problem. Popular Entertainer notnonly is there as an option to add red, but to goad creatures and help even more your combat strategies. Some red cards like Subira helps low power creatures, while white gives protection through blink and triggers Initiative from many cards in the deck. By the way, its always funny seeing people lose the minds because a Goldnight Castigator is hitting them for 18 damage in the air with haste.\n\nhttps://archidekt.com/decks/2999284#Popular_Butt_Entertainer\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"https://archidekt.com/decks/3875208#Blim_Tries_to_Make_Good_Jokes \n\nIn the description for Rakdos's color identity on EDHREC, it says \"Morality is a concept that has no power over Rakdos, and they hold no great love for anyone besides themselves.\" "},{"attributes":{"color":"var(--color)"},"insert":"So obviously I had to make Rakdos Group Hug deck... "},{"insert":"\n\n"},{"attributes":{"color":"var(--color)"},"insert":"This deck aims to give good value-creatures to my opponents with "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Blim, Comedic Genius"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Harmless Offering"}},{"insert":" . In order to prevent these creatures from attacking me, I've added a goad package with cards like "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Life of the Party"}},{"insert":". \n\nThe more \"group huggy\" aspects of the deck include "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Howling Mine"}},{"insert":" , "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Mana Flare"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Stormfist Crusader"}},{"insert":", etc. \nBasically give creatures to opponents (against my better judgement) and hope I can find a way to stop them from attacking me...\n\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":" The Mighty Kazuul has decided it's time for a well earned nap and has begun to fortify his clifftop fortress with as many pillows as possible!\n This is a take on a mono-red pillow fort strategy that aims to deter attackers and kill through consistent repeatable damage effects such as "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Sulfuric Vortex"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Descent into Avernus"}},{"insert":" as well as combo such as "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Arcbond"}},{"insert":" and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Stuffy Doll"}},{"insert":" . Just don't wake him up, he gets cranky. \nhttps://www.archidekt.com/decks/3866579#Kazuul,_Tyrant_of_Pillows\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"I Present to you; "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://www.archidekt.com/decks/3874006"},"insert":"Mono-Green MILLionaire"},{"insert":". Someone is gonna get decked, and (hopefully) it wont be you.\n\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Darn it, I just built a deck around this theme, but I built it in the wrong format. Even so, I love the concept enough to share it so, here's \"Milling in Mono White,\" or, more succinctly, \"Grist.\"\n\nhttps://archidekt.com/decks/3873884#Grist\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"I made Landfall in Azorius: "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/decks/3873581#Tameshi_Azorius_Landfall"},"insert":"https://archidekt.com/decks/3873581#Tameshi_Azorius_Landfall"},{"insert":"\n\nTameshi draws cards and recurs artifacts and enchantments by bouncing lands back to the hand, so naturally this goes hand in hand with bouncing them right back to the field and getting some value out of it. However, since we're in Azorius our options for landfall are very limited, so Tameshi is honestly better used as a combo enabler for various infinite landfall loops. My main build of this deck is very combo oriented, nevertheless I thought it would be interesting to cut back on counters and staxes in order to lean more heavily into the Landfall synergies.\n\nObivously this makes the deck less optimized, but it does make for a very unique strategy in these colors. This build focus more on getting tokens on the field and buffing them through landfall triggers while making use of artifacts and enchantments that give us removal and card advantage (among other effects) by recurring them with Tameshi, plus a bunch of other varied landfall value cards like Admonition Angel and Roil Elemental . The basic loop is to sacrifice something, use Tameshi to get it back from the grave bouncing a land to the hand in the progress, boucing the land back to the field and getting those landfall triggers.\n\nLike I said this isn't quite as lean as the combo focused builds, but I do believe it's still somewhat competitive and highly disruptive. I've also kept in some of the combos that function through land bounce loops since I believe those are in keeping with the theme of this strategy.\n"}]}
Edited 1/23/2023, 7:27:59 PM

{"ops":[{"insert":"No way I win this after playing for literally 7 months and using the site for two weeks but here goes:\nSlivers! In playtesting this it wins almost every game on turn 10/11. The basic strategy is to get the overlord out as fast as possible, then deck search for "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Manaweft Sliver"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Magma Sliver"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Crystalline Sliver"}},{"insert":", and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Sliver Hivelord"}},{"insert":", then steamroll everything. If there is time search for "},{"insert":{"card-link":"The First Sliver"}},{"insert":", "},{"insert":{"card-link":"Sliver Queen"}},{"insert":", and "},{"insert":{"card-link":"First Sliver's Chosen"}},{"insert":" for loads of slivers and more power and toughness.\n"},{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/decks/3837849#sliver_commander"},"insert":"sliver commander (Commander / EDH) - Archidekt"},{"insert":"\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"(Omnicolor deck)\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Can't win if you don't play...\nhttps://archidekt.com/decks/3398801#Reign_of_Fire\n\nThis plays very much like its name-sake movie, a few turns of quiet anticipation and then dragons cropping up all over the battlefield, laying waste to everything...\n"}]}