Need some cuts for Lotus storm

SlothKing998 avatarSlothKing998 12 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Okay I wanna add 3 or 4 copies of empty the warrens to my side deck but I don't know what to cut and I was thinking removing the counterspells also but i'm not sure, also I was thinking of adding 3 or 4 copies of Thespian's stage to copy my lotus and I wanna know if what to cut for that? \n\n"}]}
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 11 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Not sure if you're still doing this deck; sorry no one got back to you, but hello! Here I am. I should disclose I don't know the most about the Modern Meta, but I'll do my best to provide some useful input. \n\nFor what to cut or put in, the deck that that link leads to has been deleted or de-listed I imagine, but your Simic Modern deck has the markers of a revised version of it. It seems like a turbo fog deck, very firmly planted in Simic, but honestly I'd make the argument for Beseech the Mirror to have a place in there. Admittedly, I think with Growth Spiral as your only ramp and 17 lands, you're playing a pretty daring game, but I see the gist of the deck. Might I recommend Experimental Augury? It doesn't draw, which has it's ups and downs, but it does proliferate, which achieves bonus Loyalty for Teferi, and Burden for the One Ring, if you wanna be able to access big card draw faster. Or, if you wanna hurt your opponent, you can increase THEIR One Ring's burden counters.\nAnother advantage of Augury over other cards is that you're seeing more cards and choosing one of the 3, and it doesn't draw, meaning it can't kill you if you for some reason cast it with 2 cards left in library. \nI also believe it would get you to Teferi faster, and seeing as he appears to be the sole win con, that strikes me as pretty important. \nIn general a proliferate/poison sub theme may be a solid alternate win con, and Simic has some decent engines when it comes to that stuff, with Evolution Sage and Flux Channeler (who make Teferi get to his ult super quick), but that would take the deck in a fairly different direction than turbo fog, so may not be what you're about. A Teferi's Ageless Insight may also help you get to the bottom of your library faster, mill your opponents more, and make your Teferi spirits bigger\n\nAs for why I think Beseech has a place in the deck, One Ring Shenanigans go hand in hand with Beseech the Mirror, so if you can get your hands on some I would HIGHLY recommend it. Here's an example:\nOne Ring on 3 burden counters. With that, and next combat they have lethal. You start your turn and draw a Beseech the Mirror. \nDraw off of the ring, and then cast the Beseech the Mirror, paying bargain using the One Ring. Now you have a couple of options.\nDepending on what you drew, you might actually like to cast something before searching. If you found good cards that need to wait for next turn, then you can find another One Ring, and cast it using Beseech; you gain pro-everything. If you need a different piece for the combo? Go find that piece. The power is yours friend.\nIf you play it right, you pretty much win the second you cast that Beseech.\nVery good card. \n\n"}]}
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 11 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Sorry it's a wall of text! I tried to make it coherent, because I had to change the sequencing and yada yada; it ended up very scatter brained. I apparently have more thoughts than I realised. TLDR: Beseech the Mirror is good and almost always worth pivoting into, and a Proliferate sub theme would be pretty strong. \nI forgot to mention that things like Astral Cornucopia and Everflowing Chalice also benefit off of proliferate and are good targets for Beseech if you cast them for 0\n"}]}