My Syr Gwyn Commander Deck Knights/Equip

JasterGhent avatarJasterGhent 10 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I would like some suggestions on replacements and tuning, esspecially for the Mana Base.\nThe Deck is a casual one but I am always open to some suggestions for a bit oomph.\n\nThis is the Deck:\n\n\nI think I still have some Throne of Eldraine Adventure Knights that I did not put in.\n\nThank you for the Help.\n"}]}
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 10 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi Jaster, \n\nSimilar to Piandao, I'd honestly say you've got the deck pretty well sorted, especially if the power level of everyone feels equal, and if the games are fun. I naturally have some recommendations, as I have 2 of my own equipment decks, but that doesn't mean they need to go in, so they're just for your consideration.\n\nFor optimising, and tuning, Piandao's recommendation on tapped lands is correct. I don't totally agree about just replacing them with basics; ideally, you should replace things like the lands that enter tapped and gain you a life, with lands that enter conditionally. An example is Luxury Suite, which enters untapped if you have 2 or more opponents. The lands that does this aren't the cheapest, so other options are the \"fast lands\" and \"slow lands\", which enter untapped depending on the number of other lands you control. \nIf you put this into the Syntax search, you should be able to find all the lands with such effects\n> \t\t\tt:land o:\"enters the battlefield tapped\" o:unless commander:wbr -o:\"sacrifice it\"\t\t\t <\n\nFor cuts, I'd say the following:\nEmbereth Shieldbreaker,\nSyr Konrad, the Grim\nSmitten Swordmaster \nAn generally any vanilla knights, or knights that have worse P/T than their mana value. I.e, P/T of a 5 cost creature should ideally be a total of 10. This might be a 7/3, a 6/4, a 5/5, etc. Abilities can make up for a difference in this, but keep in mind that weak things are VERY easy to remove.\n\nAs for recommendations, here are some that come to mind:\nAkiri, Line Slinger and Akiri, Fearless Voyager or both fantastic cards in equipment decks, especially Fearless Voyager, as she lets you protect your creatures too.\nVirtue of Loyalty would go well, as it makes a knight and makes your dudes bigger. \nInvasion of Gobakhan is a very strong hand hate and support piece, as it buffs your stuff, as well as makes things indestructible and hexproof if someone tries to board wipe while you're ahead. It also adds some interaction, which you're somewhat light on.\nKellan, the Fae-Blooded is an incredibly good addition to any equipment/voltron deck, as it finds equipment early, and gives you a body quickly after. Double strike is also a very strong keyword. The anthem effect shouldn't be underestimated. \nHero's Blade goes well too, as it auto equips to legends. While you may have equip discount, free is always better than cheap. \nLion Sash is a very strong equipment/body, which Kellan can find, in case your opponent is doing scam/reanimation type stuff.\nUnfinished Business also does good stuff if your opponents are removing stuff from your board.\nI've used Heavenly Blademaster as a win con before, by having a wide board and making them huge using her, but it really depends on how many knight's you're ending up with at any given time.\nA haste enabler like Tuktuk Rubblefort, Mass Hysteria, or Song of Totentanz would also be a good end to a big turn.\nBeamtown Beatstick, Diamond Pickaxe, and other treasure makes may have a nice niche too, as they ramp and provide either keywords or stats, or both.\n\nSorry it's a lot of info, but really it's only 10 or so cards. The deck looks great, and very flavourful, and quite strong already, so with some tutors, or just manabase tweaking, you'll likely find just the thing you're looking for. \n"}]}
JasterGhent avatarJasterGhent 10 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thanks for the Info, I might have some of the Battlebond lands left over, not sure yet I am checking my collection right now for Dragons for my Tiamat Deck and naturally lands for that.\nI think Embereth Shieldbreaker is mostly for the Artifact removal + Body will probably replace it for Murderous Knight, but I didn't find the card yet I think it is in another obsolete old Standard Deck(Rakdos Knights from around Throne of Eldraine, same as another Embercleave for maybe another deck)\nVirtue of Loyalty sounds good and I think I have a Hero's Blade somewhere.\nHaste enabler is a good Idea, need to check where I might have one.\n\n\nOne additional Question what do you think of Tarrian's Soulcleaver, I got one in the Pre-Release for LCI.\n"}]}
John_Sherwood avatarJohn_Sherwood 10 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"This looks great for a casual deck. If you're having fun in your play group, then I wouldn't change anything.\n\nRegarding your mana base, roughly 1/3 of your lands ETB tapped. I would swap most those for basics. Your deck is very aggro, you want to be fast, but every turn you can't get mana from your land drop is a turn behind curve.\n"}]}