(Feature Request) Compare deck to a set of decks

Vandeyr avatarVandeyr 13 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi folks!\n\nI am one of those people who uses stickers to organize the shared cards between my decks. The \"Compare decks\" feature has been fantastic for this since I'm able to compare a new deck with my preexisting ones, and I am super grateful for this tool!\n\nThis feature request is for an expansion of this feature. At the moment, I need to compare my new deck with my old ones one-by-one (sometimes leading to me getting flagged for DOS attacking, lol). I am requesting that an option is added to be able to compare one deck to multiple decks at the same time. An example of a similar existing system is tracking multiple packages on a shipping service with only one request. I'm not sure how the output would look, but the most useful information to me would be a list of cards in the "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"new deck"},{"insert":" that is in at least one of my preexisting decks.\n\nIf someone smarter than me has a better idea for implementing a feature to make shared card tracking easier, please respond to this thread with your idea!\n"}]}
Vandeyr avatarVandeyr 8 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"Just wanted to say THANK YOU for adding the \"In Decks\" tab to the card details window to address this! It is super handy!\n"}]}