Feature Request: Multiselecting cards

Dakron15 avatarDakron15 4 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I apologize if this is a repeat of some other thread, but I wasn't able to find this in my initial search. I would love if you could multi-select cards. It could be a checkbox on each card, or a hotkey that whatever card is hovered over would be selected, etc. This would be great for moving multiple cards to a new custom category, assigning them a color tag, removing the selected cards, or even incrementing/decrementing all the selected cards (probably no less than zero or something like that). \n\nAn example use-case could be that I just add a bunch of cards to a deck without caring about custom categories at first, then once I have all the cards I want in the deck I can multi-select different cards and move them all to new categories that I create.\n"}]}
andy avatarandy 4 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I like the idea. The checkbox would probably clutter things up a bit, so I'd probably lean more towards the hotkey. That does make the feature rather hidden though if you don't know what the hotkey is.\n"}]}
waewren avatarwaewren 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I also would like this feature. Has it been implemented already?\n\nEspecially with the new feature to use scryfall search within a deck, I would like to use the following workflow:\n\n1) using the search for cards sidebar, add cards to deck (currently possible)\n2) filter within the deck using scryfall search (recently added—thank you!)\n3) select all cards found by the search (not sure if this is possible currently)\n4) deselect some (also not sure)\n5) add category to selected cards (pretty sure this isn’t implemented)\n\nThis would allow me to very quickly build and organize a deck. \n\nAdditionally, it would be nice during step 1 to have a drop down where I choose what category the card is added to when I click the “+1” button. Often I use Scryfall search and every card I add from that particular search will be added to the same category so this would be a big time saver. \n\nThanks for considering the suggestion!\n\nMatt\n"}]}
Edited 1/27/2022, 4:07:44 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi, Matt! Multi-select has not been implemented as of yet. I'll bring it up with the team again (along with your example workflow) as a feature to explore. Thank you for the suggestion! \n"}]}