"Set Deck Image" not working

IceMarker avatarIceMarker 6 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hey Archidekt devs!\n\nFan of the work you've done so far, looks like you're gearing up for 0.6.0 and I've noticed since what appears to be some new UI updates that I'm unable to set the cover image for my deck on the latest version of Firefox desktop. Just wanted to give you the heads up and see if anyone else was having this issue. It's currently defaulting to the largest CMC card again.\n\nThanks in advance!\n"}]}
andy avatarandy 6 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"This was our bad. In setting up last night for the release, we pushed a bug that made the 'set featured image' button no longer work. That should be fixed as of now with 0.6.0. Let me know if the issue persists!\n"}]}
Edited 2/22/2019, 4:13:34 AM
IceMarker avatarIceMarker 6 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Works now, thanks for the update!\n"}]}