"wish list"
{"ops":[{"insert":"Would be cool to have a category that functions like the \"maybeboard\" but is invisible to everyone else where you can save a list of cards you want to buy for your deck in the future. For my Urza deck I've been using the Maybeboard as a wishlist, but in doing so I had to scrap the real maybeboard. \n\nThe visualizer when deck building really is just missing a few tiny things like this. It's so close to being able to allow me up maintain my collection here and virtual deck build, keeping all my cards off the table and being constantly shuffled around and lost. \n"}]}

(Alpha User)
5 years{"ops":[{"insert":"I love this idea! We've actually talked about adding some custom settings to categories. Stuff like allowing cards to be removed from the deck in the same way a maybeboard & sideboard are. It'd be nice to allow you to mark any category in the same way. You're idea is new however, literally don't even show a category if it's marked to not show. I'll throw a ticket in the backlog for this!\n\nCheers, \nMichael\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I had this same interest. Thankfully this post was on page 2 so I didn't end up posting a duplicate from not finding it.\n\nI currently have a deck named \"Wishlist\" to substitute until a feature like this is added, but it's a bit clunky.\n"}]}