Searching for multiple words in Oracle Text

badjac1 avatarbadjac1 10 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I used to be able to search for multiple words in the oracle text search bar to, for example, find cards with both destroy and land. That way it would pull up any card with both those words, but not specifically in that order.\n\nI thought it was something like \" destroy +land\" but I can't seem to remember the proper way. Anyone know how?\n"}]}
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 10 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"To extend upon what Michael said, you can use other cards which you know to build phrases to find similar cards, as well as use types, legality, colour identity, mana cost, and so on to search. \n\nFor instance, if you wanted a land destruction instant or sorcery for mana value 3 or less in red, you might look up:\n\n(t:instant or t:sorcery) o:destroy o:land cmc=<3 id=<r\n\nSingle letter search terms are short cuts in scryfall. For example, t = type, o = oracle text, cmc/mv are mana value, and id is colour Identity. You can also directly say \"color=\" if you know/want the card to be in exactly those colours, or you can use things like < and > for greater than or less than. \nCombine =< / => and you get less/greater than or equal to. \n\nWhenever separating individual words in the oracle text, make sure you start them with o:\nFor instance, o:destroy o:target o:land. Keep in mind however, this doesn't look at order, so it may also bring up things that destroy something and put a land into play for your opponent, such as Abrupt Decay. \n\nIf you're having trouble remembering/finding what terms to use when searching, you can use the \"syntax guide\" button just under the search button, or here\n\nSorry if this is a bit long; Scryfall is such a good resource that I think it'd do every magic player better to know how to comprehensively use it - it's how I discovered there are only 8 experience cards, and how I've find things for my current lists like Recross the Paths and Seedtime! Either way, hope this helps.\n\nHappy brewing!\n"}]}
DynamoDan avatarDynamoDan 10 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"To elaborate on the \"use cards you know to build phrases\" statement which I forgot to provide an example for: \n\nLets say you want a draw effect in red that discards as part of resolution, not cast. You might look at Thrill of Possibility, and take the \"As an"},{"attributes":{"color":"#808080"},"insert":" "},{"insert":"additional cost to cast this spell, discard a card.\""},{"attributes":{"color":"#808080"},"insert":" "},{"insert":"phrase to create an exclusion, such as \n-o:\"As an additional cost to cast this spell, discard\"\n\nYou may also notice scryfall can do exclusions by putting - in front of any syntax (-o: , -t: , -name: , etc.)\n\nThat's all this time for real promise \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Use syntax search.\n\nSomething like \n\no:destroy and o:land"},{"attributes":{"blockquote":true},"insert":"\n"},{"insert":"\nWe removed the feature you're asking about a few years ago since it overlapped with syntax searching, and frankly scryfall is better at that kind of thing anyway.\n"}]}
Edited 4/3/2024, 2:29:21 PM