help with my chishiro deck
{"ops":[{"insert":"hello, I have a chishiro deck, which can turn very well, be fast and hit hard but sometimes it completely stalls. Can anyone help me modify it to make it more regular?\n\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi Zebougha!\n\nI can't take the time at the moment to do a deep dive into the deck; forgive me, but for some quick advice, I have a couple ideas:\n\nJust like John said, more lands will be necessary. While the mana cost of most things in your deck is cheap, you don't have enough ramp or discounts to make up for it. \nEven with double faced cards that have lands on the back sides, you'll often want to be using the spells on them, which means you'll sometimes run out of lands, or have to make the hard choice of \"Do I cast this as a spell or play it as a land?\"\n\nYou need more card draw, but you don't want to just dedicate cards solely to card draw - so having cards that do two effects at once is the best way to achieve this.\nCards like Laelia, the Blade Reforged, and Inti, Seneschal of the Sun not only modify themselves (and others, in Inti's case), but also let you access more cards in your library. They are not the only ones like this, though I can't think of every example off the top of my head. \nIf you can't find many things that both draw and modify, then things like then simple things like Faithless Looting, Harmonise, Seize the Spoils, and Demand Answers will help you draw into your cards that modify things. Another good option is Rishkar's Expertise, or Guardian Project, but both can be a little costly of mana.\n\nFinally, you probably need more ramp. This one depends on how well things go once you add some more card draw, but ramp always helps make aggressive decks stronger. Things like Arcane Signet and Commander's Sphere are classics for every Commander deck, but as you are in green, you have even better options like Nature's Lore, Three Visits, Rampant Growth, Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Skyshroud Claim, and so on.\nYou also have lots of good mana creatures to choose from - I personally recommend Gwenna, Eyes of Gaea. The fact she adds mana, while also modifying herself is quite powerful! Selvala, Heart of the Wilds also draws cards, and adds a buttload of mana. \n\nKeep in mind that while interaction is good, it doesn't kill your opponents - I think you have a good amount right now, but replacing some of your interaction with creatures that both deal with your opponent's boards and can get bigger may be better than having instant speed removal. Good examples are Kogla and Yidaro, Silverback Elder, Titan of Industry, and Tranquill Frillback.\n\nYou have lots of options, so hope this helps, and happy brewing!\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi,\n"},{"attributes":{"background":"#f8f9fa","color":"#1f1f1f"},"insert":"Thanks for your help. I modified my deck a little, it seems to be a little more stable but if one day you have a little time to help me I would be delighted. I'm having a hard time knowing what to remove."},{"insert":"\nI would like to put all will be one and why not red terror but I don't see what to remove to put them on. like tremor impact I think it has its place but it's the same problem\n\n"}]}
Edited 4/22/2024, 3:00:35 PM

{"ops":[{"insert":"Play more lands = Play more "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"Magic. "},{"insert":"\n\nI don't think you have enough draw effects either.\n"}]}