Adding sideboard cards should be as easy as the maindeck.

{"ops":[{"insert":"As a competitive player I work on my sideboard quite a lot. I personally would like it something like the base deck adder would be added for sideboards on the cards drop down. The blue box, tag change, add to sideboard. Go into my SB and add more then one situation is not ideal. \n\nIdeally there would be two sets of add or remove card options, colored or labeled differently.\n"}]}
Edited 3/21/2019, 1:35:05 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'm one of the devs!\n\nThanks so much for taking the time to suggest this. Not sure if you saw, but people on Reddit were also suggesting ways that this could be more easily accomplished. \n\nHere's what we were thinking, adding some kind of drop down bellow the search bar that set the default column name that a card would go into when added to the deck. It would default to the cards type like it currently does. But it could be set to any column name (Sideboard, Maybeboard, Card Draw, etc). This way you could add as many cards in succession as you'd like, to whatever column you'd like. \n\nNot saying it'll be exactly like this, but agree that this should be something that's made easier.\n\nThanks again for the post,\n~ Michael \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Choosing a category before adding cards sounds like a simple resolution to me. Defaulting to Maindeck and Sidedeck. The current default tag is card type, which is useful way later in the process, not at the start when just jamming cards in.\n\nGreat job on the asthetics though, the site *looks* polished, even if the feel isn't quite there yet. \n"}]}
xenosapien avatarxenosapien 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi everyone, I saw that this thread seems to be a bit older, but I just created my first Deck on here and I literally could not figure out how to add a card to the Sideboard that I already had in the main board - also it seems that there is no (easy/obvious) option to \"split\" a group of cards and move only part of it to the sideboard? ie. I have 4x Murderous Rider in the Main but want to have 1 of them in the sideboard. I had to remove all 4 cards, add 1 to the sideboard (via the \"choose category\" foldout) and then re-add the 3 copies to the main board.\nIf there is a better way, I apologize - but I couldn´t figure it out.\n\nthe \"choose category before adding\" method also did not work for me, I discovered the fold-out menu after a few trial&errors but even when I picked \"Sideboard\" as the category to add to, it would add them to the main board for me if there was already 1 of the same card in the main board.\nThis method only worked for me (see above) if I had none of those cards in the main board before and/or removed them and re-added to main board later on.\n\nstill - great site so far, I really like the presentation! great work!\n"}]}
[deleted] avatar[deleted] 4 years
malfunktion avatarmalfunktion 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"As a non-competitive constant brewer, I also have found myself wanted to mass-add stuff to sideboard, maybeboard, etc. I mocked up my thoughts on how that might work by merging the deck edit interface into the category edit interface. The modal would show only cards in that category. Ideally, adding cards here wouldn't require category tags; clicking save would add them automatically. Similarly, removing cards from here wouldn't remove the card from the deck if it exists in multiple categories.\n\n\n"},{"insert":{"image":""}},{"insert":"\n\n\n"}]}
Edited 10/20/2021, 8:36:53 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"This is a cool idea! I'll bring it up with the team and see if it's something we could realistically implement. Thank you for the suggestion!\n"}]}
Peterthethird avatarPeterthethird 17 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I love this idea. I'm currently trying to mass import into the side board and this would be very helpful. Are there efficient ways to import into the sideboard?\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Good evening,\n\nJust going through some older forum posts seeing if we had ironed out a few rough spots for people using Archidekt. I think this would probably be easier now due to drag and drop being implemented. We still might plan to do something to make it a bit easier on mobile, but seeing as you use the site fairly frequently we'd love your opinion on drag and drop in regards to making it easier to add cards to the sideboard. \n\nThanks again for your support, \nMichael\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hey thanks for the reply! Mine was hindered by the holidays.\n\nI appreciate the most recent changes quite a bit, great job on that you guys! But as you guessed I really would adore that \"Add to [ChooseDefaultCategory]\" feature though.\n\nIn the Card Search Menu there could be a \"ChooseDefaultCategory\" icon or drop box list.\n\n[Drop Box List | Alphabetical], [Ascending], [All Sets], [$MobileView|MTGO], [ChooseDefaultCategory]\n\nIf it's an icon it could save on vertical real estate. If that doesn't fit though I think it's 100% worth it to have it wrap to the next line. It saves too much time.\n\nCheers.\n\n\n"}]}
Casual_Wrath avatarCasual_Wrath 3 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I love this site but sideboarding is too difficult. I managed to sideboard but the cards are all together (main and side). until it is resolved i cannot use this site. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi! Sorry to hear about the frustration. Could you explain what you mean by your sideboard and main deck cards being \"all together\". Sideboard cards should have their own category separate from the rest of the deck. \n"}]}