Draggable/Reorganize for other Group by views

Neondrej avatarNeondrej 5 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"just saw the last update.\nit included the draggable categorie feature.\nits really cool but i use the categories feature very very rare.\n\n"},{"attributes":{"background":"var(--light-background)","color":"var(--color)"},"insert":"for my feature request:"},{"insert":"\ncool would be if we could reorganize a view for other group by features and set it to default for all decks\nlike for type: \ni dont like the alphabetical view.\ncool would be like Commander - Creatures - Sorcery - Instants - Enchantments - Artifacts - Lands\n\n\ni dont know why but it bothers me really hard the way its organize (alphabetical) when group by type for stack or grid view or other view where it is so\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'll have to give this one some thought. \n\nAll that data is stored in the browser, and per deck to boot. \n\nThere may be a way around all of that, but I'll need to think about it some. \n\nThanks for the suggestion!\n"}]}