Suggestion: Ability to "minimize" specific stacks (and possibly in other viewing modes)

Exidis avatarExidis 5 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Nothing lifechanging, but I think it would be a nice quality of life thing if we could minimize certain stacks.\nIt would save screen space while still keeping the stack title, typically the category, on screen.\n\nThe main use cases I can think of, from my own experience, are for the maybeboard or completed categories.\nPersonally, my maybeboard is always full of cards I want to keep track off, but don't necessarily need to keep on screen.\nAnd if I have a category I am done with, like maybe lands or card advantage, it would be nice to be able to minimize it out of view.\n\nJust something to think about, I wouldn't think it would be too difficult to implement? But I'm not a developer of this sort of thing.\nI feel like the option could behave like a dropdown arrow to the right of the category title, the kind that is like a triangle pointing down when it is expanded, or left when it is collapsed.\nOr maybe just in the category menu? I feel like that would be less intuitive.\n\nCould also be applied to other modes, but I feel it is most applicable to stacks or grid, where the image takes up significant real estate. \nBut if you do it for one, I guess you would do it for all of them, which is probably for the best.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Funnily enough, prior to the latest update this would have actually not been possible due to the way the stacking algorithm worked.\n\nBut it is possible now. \n\nThe reason I didn't add it with the latest deck page changes is because this feature would likely be more limited than what most people would expect/ want, so I'm not sure it'd be worth doing. \n\nBasically, this realistically could only be done while grouping by categories (or categories multiple). We'd have to store these settings per deck, we could only store them within your browsers storage. That comes with a lot of disadvantages, like if you clear cache, the settings go away, they don't talk between browsers/ devices, etc. This is also the reason we would only build something like this for the category view, since we'd need to store what's viewable and what's not per group by, per deck. It gets messy pretty quickly.\n\nI'm not totally oppossed to this, but I think it'd likely end up being a watered down version of what people are usually asking for with something like this. And given that it'd always kinda have to be a half-send, I'm less enthusiastic about the idea. \n\nI'll still give it some thought though. \n\nThanks for the suggestion!\n"}]}
Exidis avatarExidis 5 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I see, I didn't realize it would be quite so messy.\n\nI only have the slightest bit of experience with these sorts of things, I thought it could be a property of the card container that could be toggled, but I really have no idea how the system works. I wouldn't hate a version that I had to do each time, though like you said, watered-down without memory between modes and devices etc. Obviously I'm uninformed.\n\nIf it does happen someday, great, but it may not be worth the effort. Until then, I will have to go through the arduous process of using my scroll wheel, lol.\n\nThanks for taking the time to reply!\n"}]}