2 questions: Will there be a way to import decks, and will there be a way to make decks private so typing random numbers in the URL gives any random person the ability to view the deck with that ID?

InkTide avatarInkTide 6 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Without those 2 features I'm not sure I'd prefer this over something like XMage for deck testing. (EDIT: Also, the title is supposed to say \"doesn't give\", not \"gives\". Oops.)\n"}]}
Edited 10/8/2018, 8:56:59 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hey, thanks for taking the time to write this out!\n\nThe easiest way to import currently is to use the edit button at the bottom of a new deck edit page. From there you can use the text edit to paste in most deck formats to import a deck. If this isn't sufficient for you I'd love to hear what we could do to make this a bit better for you.\n\nAs for the private decks, this is something we've definitely talked about internally but haven't really come to a solution that we feel fits best yet.\n\nAgain thanks for the suggestion,\n~ Michael \n"}]}
Ardziv avatarArdziv 6 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"An improvement for importing would be to make it a bit more visible! I had to search the forums here to find your response before I realised it was even possible. Maybe change that button to be 'import/edit'? I'm assuming that would be much too long in comparison to other buttons though. \n"}]}