Feature: Add default export options setting

BustaaNut avatarBustaaNut 4 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I imagine most people will exclusively export in one format, it would be useful for that to follow across devices, especially now with the very specific options available.\n\nAn alternative that would work specifically for my case is adding a new type \"Basic\" that is just \""},{"attributes":{"background":"#383838","bold":true},"insert":"1 Example Card\""},{"insert":" with no headers and then caching the last used export options.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Someone asked for that recently on our discord so I've had some time to think about this, and I'm kinda against the idea.\n\nThe default is set such that with a single click a user can back up the entirity of a deck on Archidekt including quantities, edition, foiling, categories, color tags, etc. It's a full deck backup. \n\nShould anything ever go wrong with the site, having that backup availible in a single click I think is important.\n"}]}
Edited 5/28/2024, 12:49:29 AM
BustaaNut avatarBustaaNut 4 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'm not sure I follow the logic, we have a default that is useful for backing up so we can't let the user make an active decision to change from the default to something they would find more useful? If someone wants to regularly back up their deck they don't have to change away from the defaults.\n\nThe second option of adding a basic option still seems possible and just don't cache it if you find it problematic, the only thing i use export for is taking a list of cards im looking to buy and dumping them in a shops deck builder.\n\nA third option would be adding custom export types (or even just one type thats \"custom\"), you can keep the full export as default but anyone who wants a specific export format can go set it once themselves and have it in one click.\n"}]}