Buy Link Update - Only link to buy missing cards

Zeitgeist17 avatarZeitgeist17 6 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello! After only using this site for a brief period of time this weekend, I have to say I am quite impressed. I already prefer this site over all other sites I have used previously to track my decks/collection. I even broke out my decks/binders for the first time in a while and started to track cards again! \n\nWith that being said, I think a cool feature that could be implemented on this site would be to utilize the buy links, but only have them populate data for the cards that you are missing from your collection. An option to disregard the printing of the card when referencing your collection could also be useful for those who do not care about individual printings. \n\nAnyways, that's about all i got for this one. Keep up the great work! :) \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Glad to hear that you're enjoying the site! \n\nBuy lists for cards missing from your collection I think is already in our backlog of stuff to do (if not I'll add it because it should be). This feature is kind of half implemented in that you can buy based on color tags, but that's deck specific and more of a precursor to collections (or for people who don't want to/ can't maintain their collection digitally). \n\nAs for building edition agnostic, we've heard this once or twice before. If we did do something like this, it'd have to be a toggle as you suggusted because most of the feedback I've seen appreciate setting the editions of their cards. The problem here being that the way they system was built, it won't be an easy task to ignore printings of cards. This is already in our backlog, but due to the complexity of doing something like this, we probably won't be doing it any time soon.\n\nThanks so much for the comments! If you've ever got more feedback/ suggustions feel free to hit us up!\n"}]}
Jank_Garbage avatarJank_Garbage 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"if you have a card in your collection and already in another deck it should still be counted in the price.\n"}]}
SpikeHitman avatarSpikeHitman 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I recognize this is not a new issue, but I'm giving this a friendly bump because I just got done importing my collection from Deckbox with kind of the expectation this functionality was already there, and was pretty surprised to see that I would need to manually tag all my cards.\n"}]}
Wolfe114 avatarWolfe114 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I would also like this to be added, its kind of a pain to add the color tags to all the cards one by one\n"}]}