Need help with importing my collection CSV

BillMcCord avatarBillMcCord 3 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hey there, \nI recently used an app on my phone (Card Binder: MTG Manager on iOS) to scan my collection and export it as a .csv. I tried to import it here on Archidekt but it won't work. I'm unfamiliar with csv's so I'd like some guidance to make it compatible so I can get to building! Thanks!\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Sure, I'll give you a quick rundown on CSVs. \n\nCSV stands for comma separated value. The easiest "},{"attributes":{"background":"var(--light-background)","color":"var(--color)"},"insert":"way to think about it is as a spreadsheet. (You can actually just open them in any spreadsheet software and you'll likely understand what's happening pretty quickly if you've even done much work with spreadsheets). "},{"insert":"\n\nAnyway, usually the first row defines what each column is. Then the remaining rows are a list of data with the data per cell matching whatever the column is defined as. \n\nSo example. \n\nname,set code,quantity\nSol Ring,c15,5\nMountain,mom,1\nForest,mh3,23\n\nIn the above example we have 3 cards. \n\nA sol ring from c15 with quantity 5, a mountain from mom with quantity 1, and a forest from mh3 with quantity 23. \n\nWhat you need to know when importing the data is what each column represents. The easiest way to do this is to just open the file in Google sheets or excel and read the first row. \n\nFrom there you can tell the importer both how many columns you have, and what each of those columns represent. \n\nDoes that help?\n"}]}
BillMcCord avatarBillMcCord 3 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Thanks for the lesson!\nI tried manually entering columns but couldn't get them to work. I'll give an example.\n\nSo here is what the first row says\nexport_type;scryfall_uuid;set_code;quantity;foil_quantity;card_name;set_name;cardMarketId;english_card_name;lang;collector_number\n\nAnd here is an example of how an actual card is laid out\ncard;890eee8d-a339-4143-adfa-1b17ec10c099;znr;2;0;Umara Wizard // Umara Skyfalls;Zendikar Rising;495049;Umara Wizard // Umara Skyfalls;EN;86\n\nBased on my understanding when adding manual columns, it should end up like \nIgnore, Scryfall ID, Set Code, Quantity, Foil/variant, Card name, Set name, Multiverse ID, Ignore, Language, Collection Number\n\nThe only difference between your examples and my CSV is semicolons instead of commas. Is that tripping it up? And if so, is there an easy way to change the semicolons to commas so I don't have to manually edit over 2600 cells?\n\nThanks again!\n"}]}