Newly Added Cards Not Showing Up In "In Decks" Tab

OceanRain333 avatarOceanRain333 3 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Pretty much what the title says. Just added about 6 new cards to decks and none of them show up in anything's \"In Deck\" tab. For example I can hover over \"Opposition Agent\" in the deck it's in and the \"In Decks\" tab says it isn't in any decks.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"It's a known bug. \n\nA bad query was taking down the site yesterday and it had to be turned off temporarily. I'll be addressing the issue some time next week. But until then, cards newly added to decks will not be reported until this is reeneabled. \n\nSorry for the inconvenience. \n"}]}
OceanRain333 avatarOceanRain333 3 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"No problem. Thank you:) Just making sure I didn't break something or one of my decks is too big\n"}]}