You deleted my deck.

Trog avatarTrog 2 months
{"ops":[{"insert":" was a finished, 100 card deck. Checked a few days later and 2 cards are all that is left. Fix it.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'm sorry that happened. \n\nUnfortunately checking through the deck's history shows that nothing other than the two cards in the deck ever hit the server. So as much as I'd love to fix it for you, the data is gone (or rather was never saved in the first place). \n\nPresumably a bug occured which caused the connection to fail. This is pretty uncommon without presenting a error asking the user to export the deck, but it seems something happened there this time. Did you notice any errors happen during the brewing process? Any info would be helpful in trying to pin down exaclty what happened. \n\nAgain I'm very sorry that happened. Losing data is always a shitty thing to have happen. \n"}]}
Trog avatarTrog 2 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Only the standard timeout error that happens every 10 minutes.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"This just happened to me. I just lost 4 days of work on a deck. Ugh. I looked through the deck history and there’s nothing. Based on reading about other instances it sounds like the autosave failed and all that progress is gone. I had an earlier save failure error, but smooth sailing after that. Deck state was faithfully held for four days of incremental work. I wish I had any indication that an error occurred or state was not updating or my client was out of sync. I have always loved this site, but that is a lot of work lost. \n"}]}