{"ops":[{"insert":"Hey, this forum already has handful of requests. It would be great to have search, which also benefits you, i'm sure, since at least some of the questions don't pop out that often. \n\nNow i just hope this was already answered there, sorry :DD\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"You're inspiring me to go through and clean some of the older ones! Lately we've been thinking about reworking the way forums are laid out to be way more user friendly. I'll throw this into the list of stuff for us to talk about when we decide to tackle this upgrade. \n\nThanks again for all the comments, we really appreciate all the feedback! Hope you're enjoying Archidekt and if you ever have more feedback/ suggestions feel free to hit us up! \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Still looking forward to this upgrade.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Could you just install some forum software instead so you can spend time on the things that matter?\n\nTo rephrase, no one comes to this site for the forums. The deck building and deck organizing functionality is what we want. Every engineer that is focused on the forums is not fixing bugs in, adding features to, improving the UX of the deck building, play testing, etc. functionality.\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello,\n\nNew on the forums and loving the website!\n\nThis is the first question I had and saw that there already was a post about this, any updates on the status of this request?\n\nthanks in advance!\n\nBragoran\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Any word on a search function?\n\nFirst time using this forum and I love the Archidekt tool as it has really helped me organize and optimize my EDH decks.\n\nHowever I have noted quite a few cards return no search result so I can't add them to the deck (so it is then a card short) - despite existing. Such as Paradox Engine and several squirrel cards (Farm etc). \nCan't search to see if this has been raised before or of there is a solution?\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"A forum search is still in the cards, but not on the immediate horizon.\n\nAs for the "},{"attributes":{"italic":true},"insert":"card"},{"insert":" search that you mention, it sounds like you're building an EDH deck. In that case, your search is going to be set by default to only searching cards that are legal in the format. Paradox Engine has been banned and silver bordered cards (such as Squirrel Farm) are not legal. If you'd like to add those cards anyway, you can go into your advanced search options and change \"Commander/EDH\" to \"All Formats\". Once you've done this, the cards in question can be pulled up. Hope this helps!\n"}]}