{"ops":[{"insert":"Is it possible to add, via tags or some other method, a way to denote which cards in a deck are in someway unique? Signed, Altered (preferably with a link to the altered art if available), and Foreign language cards are all ways that people personalize their decks. Having someway to reflect that would be nice.\n"}]}

{"ops":[{"insert":"Currently the only way to tag cards is via the color tag by clicking on the quantity of a card in the top left of a card. This doesn't explicitly do what you're asking for, but it is a start towards proper tagging of cards in a deck. \n\nAs for foreign card support, we've talked about this a lot and would like to do this at some point, we just need to find a time to do it and do it well. Signed, altered, and proxied cards we've talked about a bit as well, but I think it's safe to say we've had less enthusiasm for stuff like that at least of the custom images side, this is completely due to the fact that we wouldn't be able to curate the images on the site to be sure they were safe for work. Not that we really have a problem with content like that, we'd just rather not have to deal with it here. Obviously things can change in the future, and if there were enough of a demand for something like that we would reconsider the idea and figure out a way for work a way around the problems it could cause.\n\nThanks so much for the comment! I'll be sure that this is brought up when we're deciding what features to work on next!\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I can understand your hesitation to allow custom images to be uploaded due to censorship requirements, but it would be a highly welcomed addition to the site :D\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I just want to pile on to this suggestion, specifically around alter uploads. Even if I could only upload an alter for the commander of my decks, I'd absolutely love to use that feature. \n"}]}