Bulk Editing Maybe Board

Matcha avatarMatcha 5 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hello! Sorry I'm new to Archidekt and am coming from Moxfield. Is there a way to bulk edit the maybeboard and sideboard? I can't seem to find it anywhere except to set each card on the main page individually.\n\nHave a good day!\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"That'd depend on what you mean by bulk edit. \n\nYou can multi-edit by selecting cards using multi select (ctrl+click or the dot menu below a card), then dragging or mass editing the selected cards. \n\nYou can add cards to the deck into any category from quick add. \n\nIf neither of these help streamline what you're doing, could you elaborate a bit on what you're trying to do? It'll help me point you in the right direction. \n"}]}
Matcha avatarMatcha 5 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I mean like a big text box where you can just type everything in like when you hit import but for the sideboard and maybe section\n"}]}