Suggestions on the forum

eme avatareme 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi everyone!\n\nI think it would be pretty cool to have dedicated sub-forums for the different formats (one for standard, modern, legacy, vintage, EDH, etc). That way we can discuss and find information for the differents archetypes, for example in modern we could have a Tron-Thread where everyone can discuss their decks, or in the EDH sub-forum we could have all the primers where people can go and find a lot of information for a specific general. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Consider opening a public Discord and linking to it. Forums are kind of dated now, and even though I prefer them Discord gets far more use. The ease of chat speed is a big pull in. Just be sure to turn off @everyone, cause screw that nonsense. I know you already have one, specifically for higher paying members, but chat servers are kind of the \"in\" thing right now. \n\n\n--Text Channels--\n-General-\n#Announcements (Locked)\n#General Chat\n#Unrelated\n#Bug / Site Suggestion\n-Formats-\n#Standard\n#Modern\n#Commander\n#Legacy\n#Vintage\n#Pauper\n#Casual / Custom\n#Frontier\n#Future Standard\n#Penny Dreadful\n#1v1 Commander\n#Duel Commander\n#Brawl\n#Cube\n#Custom\n-Other-\n#Paying Members (Locked)\n#Moderation (Locked)\n--Voice Channels--\n)))General\n)))Unrelated\n\nThough my best guess is that you plan to do this post beta anyway.\n\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I love this idea, we've actually talked about doing a full revamp of the forums in the future. I think your suggestions would be a part of something like that. Every time we go to pull stuff in to do in the immediate future we always end up backburning the forums because there's a \"cooler\" deck editing/ quality of life thing we do instead. We will at some point really give the forums the love it deserves, we just need to find the time to do so.\n\nThanks for the post, I'll be sure this makes it's way to the list of improvements we want to make to the forums\nIf you ever have any more feedback let us know!\n"}]}