Wanting to clean up this list

Darthtacotv avatarDarthtacotv 3 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"I am trying to clean up this list and make a go wide tokens with an aristocrats sub theme. I have to cut about 23 cards I think any sugestions on what to cut or add. Returned to magic recently and missed several sets lol. https://archidekt.com/decks/9141042/caesar_tokens\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"So I have a very similar deck. "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://archidekt.com/decks/8079422/i_brought_friends"},"insert":"I Brought Friends"},{"insert":" I was looking over yours and I noticed you went with more Anthem style effects than I did. My thought process was if I am just going to feed them into sacrifice outlets then I don't much care if they are big. I do like how you went wider with your sac outlets than I did ( I mostly feed them to Caesar) I would start with Securitron Squad, Bitterblossom(doesn't make tokens fast enough), Spawning Pit, Paladin Elizabeth, Idol of Oblivion, Iroasm Clever Concealment (these 2 because you like your creatures dying), Adeline, Tymna. Most of these cards do net you a small benefit but you need to cut the deck down. \n"}]}
gu2s2 avatargu2s2 3 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"you support a lot of themes, that is not bad, but it does undermine the value of doublers, like thesa karlov or other cards that simply get you something you where already getting. some cards are also not that strong, but that doesn't really matter. if you want, you could look up the words attack, combat damage, sacrifice, dies, enters, and tap(not the symbol, but the word, aka: tap three untapped creatures or something), and if you like cheese infect to kill any player with just ten point of damage. this will take a while, but it makes sure you dont mis anything. after that, organise them in five piles, lands, draw, mana, removal and \"this is how i win the game\" and protection if a card is not doing any of those things, mabey dont use it, legate is a good example, you don't use big singular attackers to win games and the \"removal\" is just bad for its cost, and doesn't have a lot of synergy with your deck. once you picked all the cards out of scryfall, you simply choose if you want to play powerful standalone cards(sol ring) or cards that are good for its synergy with your deck, like brazen collector. in any case, you should trim all of these down until you feel like getting rid more would get you in trouble with mana, cards or lands, you should try playtesting against other decks to see if protection and removal are decent too(dont expect to have an answer for everything, but mardu answers most permanents, so have at least a somewhat consistent answer for those. after all that you can focus on filling the rest up with cards that win you the game, even a zulaport cutthroat fits this category. if you are struggling with cutting cards out, you should play a test game with yourself, and play the first few turns with any card you want to test as the eight, and try to play the game to see how it goes. a card(exept protection and removal) shouldn't clog up your starting turns, so it is a good check to see if it plays well in your deck, essentialy, if it can't be played by turn 5 at least somewhat consistently, cut it.\nedit: oh and token is a keyword you should search as well.\nedit nr2: a card usually isnt good if there is an clause you cant reliably set, even when the effect is good. you did not incude any card in your main deck, but gisa in your mabeyboard is a great example of this. you shouldn't run recursion exept as a protection mechanic. as an example on how to see if a card is going to be bad this way compare the needs of the card with your gameplan. this is a example.\non the very least my deck is going to:\nmake a token\ntoken etb\nattack with the token\ndeal damage with the token(optional, simply attacking for the trigger is an other way to build the deck, focussing more on the sacrifice aspect)\nsacrifice the token\ntoken death.\ndeal damage with commander\n\na card like alesha, who smiles at death requires:\nattack with any creature (check)\nhave a creature in the graveyard with cmc 2 or less(no go) \nthis card is bad.\na card like sol ring requires:\nwillingness to put it in your deck(your choice)\nso it can, but doesn't have to go in your deck.\na card like skull clamp requires:\ncreatures(check)\na sac outlet or small boys(check)\nthis card is not only strong but also has good synergy. it should be in your deck.\n\n"}]}
Edited 9/12/2024, 6:10:58 PM