Suggestion: Drag and drop target group

Memorianx avatarMemorianx 43 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"I love the drag and drop function! but one thin that annoys me is that I cant control where a card lands, I would love for there to be a toggleable option where you could choose where the cards should land, the current options is good for new decks, but often when updating i want to collect cards and evaluate using the maybe board I see the following option as a good idea:\n1: current option where cards are added to the relevant category, creatures, lands ect.\n2: and option to chose for yourself, I'd often use the maybeboard or a custom category\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"The reason this hasn't been implemented is because there isn't really anywhere intuitive for this kinda of setting to live. Anywhere I can think to add it seems largely out of place. And if we tuck it somewhere away where it doesn't get in the way, the setting isn't super helpful since no one will be able to find it.\n\nIf you're got some ideas, I'd love to hear them!\n"}]}
Memorianx avatarMemorianx 42 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"There is the potential annoying option of having a popup on the first card drop, promoting the user to select what to do, this setting would then be saved to deck. \n\n Change the default drop location to to a category called dropped cards or use tag like you can do when importing from edhrec\n\nOtherwise my suggesting would be that the setting should live in deck settings\n"}]}
Memorianx avatarMemorianx 19 days
{"ops":[{"insert":"I have been playing around with the feature the last weeks I just wanted to say that I really like the way you have implemented the feature, it's functional and not in the way. Thank you \n"}]}