Feature Request: Add "View As" Column for Salt Score

Chancendent avatarChancendent 4 months
{"ops":[{"insert":"Hi,\n\nI am not sure if it wouldn't be feasible because of the same reason mentioned here: https://archidekt.com/forum/thread/7747765.\n\nIdea: Add a column with the card's salt score, similar to the price as optional information.\n\nReason: I want to make my decks more \"casual\" and I think making the deck in general less salty might make the play experience for the play group more enjoyable, therefore more casual.\n\n\nThanks!\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I assume you mean while viewing in text mode?\n\nI don't think adding a salt column would do much .There becomes a point where adding more and more columns becomes a bit unweildly. And for people who wanna see everything, that's what the table view is for. \n\nI also think that grouping by salt (next to the view as options) is probably a better tool for this kind of thing anyway. It better visualizes general trends of the deck, where the saltiest cards are without having to notice them as you're scanning through the deck.\n"}]}