Custom maybebord groups

ondrishko avatarondrishko 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"I love to tinker a lot with my EDH decks, so when i work on an already completed deck there are two things i have in mind - i dont want to ruin the deck with changes and still want to have freedom of custom categories, which are SOOO great. It would be ideal to have custom categories that can be assigned to maybeboard.\n\nAnd now im just fantasizing, but being able to drag and drop whole categories would be a dream :)\n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"Like dragging whole categories into other categories? \n\nAs for your first comment, we've talked about this before. Like you I also like to tinker and sometimes do whole rebuilds of decks. We think the best way to do this would be to allow users to create new versions of the same deck. So as an example, you could make a copy as a new version of your deck, edit that to your hearts content and your first would still be the \"real\" deck that others would see etc. Currently you can sort of already do this by copying your deck, but then you have two of the same deck and that's no fun. \n\nThis is one of my top picks for a new feature as I'd use it a lot. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of this task it's likely to be put off a bit longer. But who knows! \n\nLet me know what you think of this idea and whether this would suite what you're looking to do\n"}]}
DaveLists avatarDaveLists 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Piggybacking on this - a \"possible cuts\" version of the maybeboard would be huge, if possible. Its hard to keep track of what the weakest cards are when you've got 60-ish decks to manage.\t\n"}]}
ondrishko avatarondrishko 5 years
{"ops":[{"insert":"Not the same, but this sounds good as well. If this is the thing, i would love a way to compare different versions and drafts (card list and also stats wise) and place for own comments.\n"}]}