Bug - "Disconnect your Patreon" button has no activity

{"ops":[{"insert":"[Solved]\n\nSo, I currently have a $2.00/mo pledge on Patreon and I realized this wasn't updating correctly on this website. My plan was to disconnect my Patreon and reconnect it, but that option doesn't work. When I select \"Disconnect my Patreon\" there is no activity on my side using the desktop and mobile versions. \n\nWhat do?\n"}]}
Edited 4/23/2019, 5:54:30 PM
{"ops":[{"insert":"We ran into this bug a week or so ago with another user, we just hard disconnected his account in the database and as far as I know this fixed his issue. We can do this for you as well. Thankfully (pretty sure) this bug has already been patched and therefor shouldn't happen again. I'll drop a comment here when we do the hard disconnect. \n"}]}
{"ops":[{"insert":"I'll be here. Thanks.\n"}]}